Wing foiling can be enjoyed using various boards, whether on the water with a stand-up paddle or a dedicated board, or on land with a mountain board, skateboard, or even skis/snowboard.. How Awesome!
The origins of wing foiling, colloquially known as "winging," trace back to the advent of pre-hydrofoil technology in wing surfing around 1981. Aeronautical engineer Jim Drake, credited with the invention of windsurfing in 1967, collaborated with Uli Stanciu, a European windsurfing pioneer. Together, they patented the world's inaugural wing.
One of the reasons why wing foiling has become so popular is that it can be done in a wide range of wind and wave conditions, making it a versatile sport that riders of all levels can enjoy. In addition, launch and landing are much easier and safer than kitesurfing.
Would you be open to try this relatively new water sport?